Saturday, January 2, 2021

       MY OYSTER

How long ago was it
When, only a boy, I zoomed about
Chasing dreams and loving life
With more time on hand than I needed?
How long ago when my gait
And small shoulders mirrored
Those of Samurai Jack—
Lone conqueror of kingdoms;
When I towed about my mini-truck
Beaten out of heated milk tins
Studying the intricate design
For future tech inventions;
When I tinkered out of my junk box
Of wires and electronics gear
Carrying out repairs and experiments
Perilous to life and property;
When, nature-enthralled, I kept a garden
Of every crop that grew,
When the manners of nature’s flora
Unveiled in many garden-hours?
The world was my oyster!
With high hopes and youth’s vigour
I had put in much labour and time
And received for my effort but naught!
I loved life. I still do
But in the region of my habitation
The pearls of life have been looted;
Only my fantasies remain.

                   WHEN YOU LOOK AT ME

When you look at me, what do you see?
A human pretending to be alive
A day that is yet to dawn
A tomorrow that is not possible
A hope that cannot come to pass?

What do you see?
A damaged shrub flailing with exposed roots
A smoking stubble pulled out of the fireplace
A broken body clinging to a dashed dream
A wave tossed about and crashing aimlessly?

Mother gave herself for me
Father toiled hard but never left
Neighbours and friends gave food and care,
And their time, their tears, even prayers
To see that I, a communal child, do well

All this investment made in human capital
In an economy that eats seeds it should plant
Now, broken and left without any chance
And used to the sameness of failed things
I have forgotten how to fight, or even cry

So, I ask again
What do you see when you look at me?
A broken, pieceful me?