Saturday, July 4, 2020

Bared fangs on haunches!
Bristling, snarling, drooling …
I’d sighted them a block away
And pushed farther to safety
On the street’s other side
Amid friends with whom I walked.
But a sworn scamp provoked
The already bad-tempered dogs!

We took off in several directions
As the savages sprang upon us;
Three scary canines
Tore after me with an oath!
The chase was relentless;
They gained on me, I grew hopeless.
Blinded by fear I took no notice
Of a clothesline in plain view.

Fate took pity on me and
Flung me back with the taut line;
All three dogs screeched to a halt.
I staggered up to continue my flight
But the hounds reared up
And swiftly sprinted off in fright.

Dazed, I looked on lamely
Then sidled back to the street
Curious that my belligerent attackers
Had turned into drivelling cowards.